- Where to find us
The blood-taker room is located on the first floor of Block D. The access is from the connecting corridor between the House of Health and the internal pavilion of the hospital. In the diagnostic pavilion, take the staircase to the second floor. There is an elevator for clients with mobility problems. There is a waiting area for patients in the corridor in front of the entrance to the room.
- Blood-take hours
Monday: 6:00 – 12:30 Tuesday: 6:00 – 12:30 Wednesday: 6:00 – 12:30 Thursday: 6:00 – 12:30 Friday: 6:00 – 12:30 - What is carried out
In the blood-take room, venous blood and capillary blood from the finger are drawn for haematological, biochemical, microbiological and immunological tests. We take blood from adults and children from 10 years of age (younger children are taken at the children's outpatient clinic). At the same time as taking blood, we can take other biological material from the patient for examination - urine, sputum, stool. The patient takes these samples himself in standardized sampling containers, which he receives from his attending physician, who also instructs him on the correct method of collection.
- How to make appointment
Na odběr krve se dostaví klient bez objednání, s vyplněnou žádankou od indikujícího lékaře. Bez řádně vyplněné žádanky (označené požadované vyšetření, razítko zdravotnického zařízení, podpis žádajícího lékaře) nelze odběr provést.
- Samples for payment at the patient's request
The requested sampling must be reported to the nurse in the blood-take room. She will ensure that it is billed and then carried out. The result is collected by the patient personally in the laboratory or sent by post on request. Payment is based on the current price per point. As a rule, the tests are not carried out anonymously and, where required by law, the results of the tests listed by law must be reported to the competent authorities and institutions in case of positive findings.
- Instructing the patient before a blood-take
- Some special examinations or functional tests require prescribed dietary or regimen measures. Information about these will be given to the patient by the attending physician well in advance of the sampling.
- Blood taking is usually done in the morning, usually on an empty stomach.
- The patient is instructed not to fast during the afternoon and evening (10-12 hours before the procedure). The last meal before a blood-take should be easily digestible.
- The patient should arrange with the doctor to skip any medications before the blood-take. If they can be omitted, the patient should skip them 3 days in advance. Otherwise, the medications to be administered should be listed on the guide list.
- Before the blood draw, the patient does not eat breakfast, does not smoke, does not drink black coffee. However, he should not suffer from thirst. It is advisable if he/she drinks 1/4 l of unsweetened tea or water in advance.
- The blood takeing should take place in the morning or early afternoon.
- It is not advisable to exert yourself physically (fast walking, running, walking up stairs, etc.) before the blood draw.
- Visit to the blood-take room
We ask clients comming to donate blood to take a serial number in the waiting room and wait to be asked to enter the blood-take room. We cannot guarantee immediate donation without waiting. The order is not strictly binding; the nurse may change it as needed. After your number is called, please give the nurse your order number, your physician's request form, and your insurance card. If necessary, submit urine samples, etc.
- Safety measures
We use a disposable system of tubes for blood samples, which increases the quality of the sample (pre-analytical part of the examination) and the safety of the patient and staff. All blood taking equipment is disposable and is intended for one patient only.
- After donation
The patient waits for the instructions of the nurse and leaves the room only after the arm has been properly treated after the injection. Any nausea or other discomfort associated with the procedure should be brought to the attention of the nurse in a timely manner. It is recommended not to strain the arm or carry heavy loads after the procedure.
- What happens to the samples
A nurse from the blood-take room distributes the material to the appropriate laboratory at the Hospital Jihlava. Here, our laboratory will perform an examination of the sample, or, if this examination is not performed here, it will arrange for examination in another, contracted laboratory.
- Types of results and consultations
Types of results you may encounter with us:
Printed form of the results is issued at CBMID.
Electronic form of the results - it is possible to send via MISE - this linking program will be provided by the Hospital Jihlava free of charge. Linking is only possible if MISE is compatible with the program you use in your outpatient clinics.Information and consultation on the results:
Biochemical ext. 312
Immunological ext. 617
Microbiological ext. 133
Hematology ext. 165
Genetic laboratory ext. 753