
Cardiology Department

Inpatient departments

  • Standard inpatient ward

    The standard inpatient ward consists of 2 units A and B. The rooms are double and triple, each has a bathroom with toilet. All beds are monitored by telemetry (i.e. a system allowing continuous monitoring of patients not only at the bedside but also during their movement in the ward). Each unit has its own head doctor.

    Inpatient cardiology care is mainly focused on patients with acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmias, syncopal conditions, cardiomyopathies and aortic disease. Last but not least, it includes the admission of patients for elective coronary angiography.

    The cardiac stimulation programme has a great tradition. Around 150 pacemakers are implanted annually. The pacemaker centre also provides this service to the patients from other parts of the Vysočina Region.

    Doctor in charge
    MUDr. Michal Fikrle, Ph.D.

    Doctors +420 567 157 434

    Nurse in-charge Eva Součková, DiS.

    Nurses +420 567 157 338

    Recommended visitng hours
    MO - SU: 10:00 – 18:00
    Víkendy: 8:00 – 19:00

    Where to find us Block E, 1st floor
  • Standard inpatient ward

    The standard inpatient ward consists of 2 units A and B. The rooms are double and triple, each has a bathroom with toilet. All beds are monitored by telemetry (i.e. a system allowing continuous monitoring of patients not only at the bedside but also during their movement in the ward). Each unit has its own head doctor.

    Inpatient cardiology care is mainly focused on patients with acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmias, syncopal conditions, cardiomyopathies and aortic disease. Last but not least, it includes the admission of patients for elective coronary angiography.

    The cardiac stimulation programme has a great tradition. Around 150 pacemakers are implanted annually. The pacemaker centre also provides this service to the patients from other parts of the Vysočina Region.

    Doctor in charge MUDr. Jiří Hlas

    Doctors +420 567 157 175

    Nurse in-charge Eva Vacková

    Nurses +420 567 157 347

    Recommended visitng hours
    MO - SU: 10:00 – 18:00
    Víkendy: 8:00 – 19:00

    Where to find us Block E, 1st floor
  • Coronary Care Unit (ICU)

    The Coronary Care Unit provides the complete care for patients with acute forms of cardiovascular disease, including artificial pulmonary ventilation, right-sided cardiac catheterization with invasive hemodynamic measurement. That include patients with an acute myocardial heart-attack, severe cardiac-rhythm disturbances, shock states, severe hypertension, manifestations of a heart failure and haemodynamically unstable pulmonary embolism.

    The Coronary Care Unit is equipped with the state-of-the-art devices, which include a monitoring system, artificial pulmonary ventilation devices, defibrillators (devices used to correct serious heart rhythm disturbances), counterpulsation (a device for circulatory support of a patient with an acute heart attack and the low blood pressure), transport monitors and portable ventilation devices to allow continuous monitoring and securing of the patient during transport to the Cath Lab for treatment of an acute heart attack. All beds in the Coronary Care Unit are positionable, allowing for the improved patient comfort and easier nursing care. Acute care is provided by two trained physicians and a trained nursing team that specializes in acute cardiac care. It is located in the new PUIP pavilion.

    Visits to the ICU

    Based on Decree No. 306/2012 Coll., visits to the acute inpatient intensive care units must use protective clothing. You can buy it in a machine at the entrance to the emergency room, or at the entrance to the cardiology and trauma-orthopaedic ICU, or in our pharmacy. The protective clothing in the machine costs 40 crowns and you can only use 10-crown coins. The money changer is located one floor below, by the main ticket office. Thank you for your understanding.

    Doctor in charge MUDr. Petr Šimek

    ICU phone: +420 567 157 740

    Nurse in-charge Rybníčková Miroslava,Bc.

    Recommended visitng hours Consult with the doctor

    Where to find us Block C, 1st floor