
Opthalmology Department

Všeobecná oční a příjmová ambulance, Vitreoretinální poradna, Makulární poradna, Kataraktová poradna – Biometrie, Glaukomová poradna, Diabetologická poradna, Dětská poradna, Aplikační centrum biologické léčby

Ambulance očního oddělení

  • Our department is a specialized center for the application of the biological treatment in the vitreous space. This application is preceded by reading on special optotypes (ETDRS), OCT (optical coherence tomography) examination, slit lamp examination...

    The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and the active substance is injected into the eye under local anaesthesia.


    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    Monday:  7:30 – 12:00 (only patients with an appointment)
    Wednesday:  7:30 – 12:00 (only patients with an appointment)
    Friday:  7:30 – 12:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • It provides diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases occurring in childhood, lavage and probing of the tear ducts, measurement and spectacle correction of refractive errors, diagnosis and treatment of strabismus and amblyopia and, last but not least, screening for retinopathy of prematurity. Patients are referred to the clinic by a general practitioner, the attending ophthalmologist or the attending general practitioner for children and adolescents. Depending on the patient's difficulties, the paediatrician will carry out the necessary examinations and, based on the results, determine the further course of treatment.

    The Children's Counselling is involved in the E-ambulance system.


    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    Tuesday:  7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • Performs diagnosis and treatment of ocular complications of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2. Patients are referred to the clinic on the recommendation of the general practitioner or the attending ophthalmologist. Based on the biomicroscopic examination of the ocular background, the doctor of the diabetology clinic indicates further specialized examinations - photography of the ocular background, fluorescence angiography of the ocular background, OCT (optical coherence tomography) examination, and subsequent treatment - laser photocoagulation of the retina, pars plana vitrectomy and intravitreal application of anti-VEGF preparations. In the indication of pars plana vitrectomy we closely cooperate with MUDr. Jan Ernest PhD. An integral part of the diabetology consultation room is close cooperation with the attending diabetologist and patient education about the patient's health status, further development of the disease and prevention of complications of diabetic retinopathy.


    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    MO - SU: 7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • Performs diagnosis and treatment of primary and secondary glaucoma and controls patients with intraocular hypertension. Patients are referred to the clinic on the recommendation of the general practitioner or the attending ophthalmologist. Based on the intraocular pressure values and biomicroscopic examination of the ocular background, the glaucoma clinic doctor indicates other specialized examinations - measurement of intraocular pressure values during the day, static or kinetic perimetry (examination of the visual field), pachymetry (measurement of corneal thickness), examination of the optic nerve by OCT (optical coherence tomography). Based on the examinations performed, the treatment with topical antiglaucomatous agents is initiated. The glaucoma clinic doctor also refers the patient for surgical or laser treatment of persistent high intraocular pressure despite maximum local and general therapy.

    Glaucoma is a serious disease that, if not treated in time, can lead to narrowing of the vision field and even irreparable damage to the vision.

    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    Thursday:   7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • Specializes in the examination of cataract patients. Patients are indicated for cataract surgery and the dioptric power of the intraocular lens to be implanted in the eye during surgery is measured.
    The most suitable type of lens for a particular patient is consulted. Information about cataract surgery is given and any questions about the operation are answered.


    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    MO, WED, FRY 7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • Provides diagnosis and treatment of macular diseases, including age-related macular degeneration. Patients are referred to the clinic on the recommendation of their general practitioner or treating ophthalmologist. Based on the biomicroscopic examination of the ocular background, the doctor of the macular clinic indicates other specialized examinations - photographs of the ocular background, fluorescence angiography of the ocular background, OCT (optical coherence tomography) examinations, all using ETDRS optotypes. On the basis of the examinations performed, appropriate treatment or monitoring of the course of the disease over time is subsequently determined. In the case of exudative form of age-related macular degeneration and in macular edema with venous retinal occlusions, the findings are assessed. If the patient meets the inidcation criteria, he is indicated for intravitreal administration of anti-VEGF agent.

    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    MO - SU:  7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • It is aimed at patients with a wide range of vitreous and retinal diseases or traumatic conditions affecting the posterior segment of the eye (vitreoretinal traction syndrome, macular holes, epiretinal membranes, amoses), retinal detachment, lens luxation... , which require laser or surgical treatment.

    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    Tuesday:  7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)
    Thursday:  7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)
    Friday:  7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor
  • It provides diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of eye diseases, check-ups of patients after surgeries of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, consular examinations of patients on the recommendation of the attending ophthalmologist, indications of patients for examination in a specialist eye clinic and specialized examinations and admission to the inpatient department.

    The clinic is partly involved in the E-ambulance system.

    Patients come to this clinic
    • On our recommendation and appointment.
    • With a referral or a report by a district ophthalmologist.
    • With appointments made via E-ambulance.
    • Without the need for a referral, we treat only patients with acute conditions and trauma.
    Doctors +420 567 157 696

    Office hours
    MO, FRY 7:30 - 12:00 (appointment via E-ambulance)

    Where to find us
    Block G, 7th floor