
Orthopaedic Department

Ortopedie dospělí, Ortopedie děti

Orthopaedic clinics

Dear patients

vzhledem k personální situaci jsme nuceni omezit provoz ortopedických ambulancí ze dvou na jednu ambulanci.

Děkujeme za pochopení.


  • Outpatient diagnosis and conservative therapy of musculoskeletal disorders including ultrasound diagnosis and prevention of congenital hip dysplasia in newborns and its basic conservative treatment.
    Waiting times - joint TEP about 1.5 years, ASK 1-2months, minimally invasive leg surgery about 1 year.

    Doctors MUDr. Bronislav Batoušek
    MUDr. Jiří Vosáhlo
    MUDr. Pavel Nechvátal
    MUDr. Adam Salus

    Phone +420 567 157 788

    Nurses: Jana Dubová
    Lucie Procházková

    Office hours
    Monday: 13:00 - 15:00 (appointments via eAmbulance)
    Wednesday:  13:00 - 13:30 (children's hips without appointment)
    13:30 - 15:00 (appointments via eAmbulance)
    Thursday: 13:00 - 15:00 (appointments via eAmbulance)

    Where to find us Block B, ground-floor - outpatient tract
  • Outpatient diagnostics and conservative therapy of musculoskeletal disorders including ultrasound diagnostics and outpatient surgical procedures by appointment.
    Urgent patients in the office hours 7-8 am or by telephone appointment through the contact centre ext. 555.
    Waiting times - joint TEP about 1.5 years, ASK 1-2months, minimally invasive leg surgery about 1 year.

    Phone +420 567 157 788
    +420 567 157 812

    Nurses: Jana Dubová
    Lucie Procházková

    Office hours
    Mo - Thu 7:30 - 12:30, 13:00 - 15:00 (appointments via eAmbulance)
    Friday:  7:30 - 12:30 (appointments via eAmbulance)

    Where to find us Block B, ground-floor - outpatient tract