
Pulmonary Department

Všeobecná plicní ambulance, Bronchoskopické pracoviště, Ambulance pro těžké astma bronchiale, Ambulance pro intersticiální plicní procesy, Ambulance funkční diagnostiky, Ambulance pro poruchy dýchání ve spánku, Ambulance pro odvykání kouření, Ambulance kalmetizace

Outpatient department

  • It performs a basic examination of lung function with a spirometer and a complete functional examination of the lungs with body plethysmography and diffusing lung capacity. The department also performs bronchomotor tests as part of the diagnosis of bronchial asthma. Arterial blood gas sampling and a six-minute walk test are performed, on the basis of which home oxygen treatment can be indicated.

    Prim. MUDr. Jiří Pejchal
    MUDr. Pavlína Musilová
    MUDr. Zuzana Cunderová
    MUDr. Silvie Dvořáková
    MUDr. Jana Bulíčková
    MUDr. Jitka Tošerová
    MUDr. Zdeněk Doležel

    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.
    Ilona Zadinová
    Věra Žáčková

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    Monday: 7:30 – 15:00 (only patients with an appointment)

    Where to find us
    Block E, 6th floor
  • It provides both regular vaccination of children against tuberculosis and vaccination at the request of parents.

    MUDr. Pavlína Musilová
    MUDr. Zuzana Cunderová
    MUDr. Silvie Dvořáková
    MUDr. Jana Bulíčková

    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.
    Monika Pospíchalová

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    Tuesday: 14:00 - 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)
    Friday: 12:00 - 13:00 (patients with an appointment only)

    Where to find us
    Tuesday - Block E, 6th floor
    Friday - Block C2, infection clinic
  • It provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of patients with interstitial lung processes. These are chronic, non-cancerous diseases of various origins, affecting the small bronchi, pulmonary chambers, small pulmonary vessels and pulmonary interstitium. It is part of a national network of centres for interstitial pulmonary processes that can indicate modern, antifibrotic agents.

    MUDr. Pavlína Musilová
    MUDr. Silvie Dvořáková

    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.
    Monika Pospíchalová

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    Monday: 8:00 – 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)

    Where to find us
    Block E, 6th floor
  • Nicotine addiction develops more quickly than heroin addiction, and quitting nicotine is no less difficult. Without help, the quit rate is around 2 to 3%. With comprehensive help, the percentage increases to 20 to 30%. The clinic is aimed specifically at patients seriously interested in quitting smoking. For these patients, it offers guidance and counselling during the quitting process and prescribes medication to facilitate withdrawal from nicotine dependence.

    Doctors MUDr. Zdeněk Doležel

    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.
    Monika Pospíchalová
    Veronika Holcmanová
    Ivana Žílová
    Ilona Zadinová
    Věra Žáčková
    Ludmila Rychlá

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    Friday: 12:00 – 13:00 (patients with an appointment only)

    Where to find us
    Block E, 6th floor
  • It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing. It is not focused on the treatment of insomnia or poor quality sleep. It is a rapidly developing field that works closely with other disciplines such as ENT, neurology, cardiology and obesity.

    MUDr. Zuzana Cunderová
    MUDr. Tomáš Snížek

    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.
    Monika Pospíchalová

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    Tuesday: 12:00 – 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)
    Thursday: 8:00 – 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)

    Where to find us
    Block E, 6th floor
  • It is a part of the National Severe Asthma Centre network. It provides care for patients with the most severe forms of this disease from all over the Vysočina Region and ensures diagnostics, modern treatment with biological preparations and their long-term monitoring.

    Prim. MUDr. Jiří Pejchal
    MUDr. Silvie Dvořáková

    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.
    Monika Pospíchalová

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    Friday: 8:00 – 12:00 (patients with an appointment only)

    Where to find us
    Block E, 6th floor
  • The department performs endoscopic examinations of the airways and the adjacent tissues and organs. Whether under local anaesthesia, analgosedation or general anaesthesia, it is possible to take samples (lung lavage, lung tissue sampling with forceps, lymph node samples under ultrasound control) for further examination. It also performs therapeutic interventions such as removal of foreign bodies from the airways or therapeutic bronchial suctioning.

    Prim. MUDr. Jiří Pejchal
    MUDr. Pavlína Musilová
    MUDr. Zuzana Cunderová
    MUDr. Silvie Dvořáková
    MUDr. Jana Bulíčková
    MUDr. Jitka Tošerová
    MUDr. Zdeněk Doležel

    Ilona Zadinová
    Věra Žáčková
    Mgr. Jitka Krafková

    Nurses +420 734 795 899

    Office hours
    Tuesday: 8:00 – 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)
    Wednesday: 8:00 – 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)
    Friday: 8:00 – 15:00 (patients with an appointment only)

    Where to find us
    Block B, ground-floor
  • It is located on the 6th floor of the Block E. In two outpatient clinics it provides care for patients with a wide range of lung, pleural and mediastinal diseases. These include COPD, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, malignant lung diseases (bronchogenic carcinoma, pleural mesothelioma, mediastinal tumours) and others. We also provide screening and monitoring of patients as part of a lung cancer search program. The outpatient clinic also diagnoses and treats tuberculosis.

    Doctor in charge MUDr. Silvie Dvořáková

    Prim. MUDr. Jiří Pejchal
    MUDr. Pavlína Musilová
    MUDr. Zuzana Cunderová
    MUDr. Jana Bulíčková
    MUDr. Jitka Tošerová
    MUDr. Tomáš Snížek
    MUDr. Zdeněk Doležel

    Nurse in charge
    Bc. Zdeňka Marešová-Šteflová, DiS.

    Monika Pospíchalová
    Veronika Holcmanová
    Ivana Žílová
    Ilona Zadinová
    Věra Žáčková
    Ludmila Rychlá

    Nurses +420 567 157 733

    Office hours
    MO - SU: 8:00 – 15:00

    Where to find us
    Block E, 6th floor